2014年8月28日 星期四
2014年8月21日 星期四
VMware ESXi 5.1 physical disk clone
安裝VMware ESXi 5.1後,測試將硬碟換到另一台不同規格的主機上是否能正常開啟。
找到這一篇 How to clone ESXi 5,用clonezilla 測試 OK。
disk A 是安裝 VMware 的硬碟,disk B 是空硬碟。兩個硬碟一樣大。
1. 只接 disk A 開機進入 BIOS,記錄 disk A 的序號 (因為硬碟一樣大只能靠序號判斷)
2. 關機,接上 disk B
3. download clonezilla 燒錄到光碟,用光碟開機
4. 選擇 expert mode
5. 選擇 disk to local disk clone
6. source disk 選擇 disk A (注意硬碟序號),target disk 選擇 disk B
7. 勾選 sector by sector 參數
8. 回答三次 Y 開始複製
完成後關機,拔掉 disk A,只留 disk B 開機。
VMware 可以正常開啟,用 VMware vSphere Client 連上後提示找不到 storage。
按新增 storage 後可找回原來安裝的 VM guest。
VM guest 開機 OK,測試成功。
找到這一篇 How to clone ESXi 5,用clonezilla 測試 OK。
disk A 是安裝 VMware 的硬碟,disk B 是空硬碟。兩個硬碟一樣大。
1. 只接 disk A 開機進入 BIOS,記錄 disk A 的序號 (因為硬碟一樣大只能靠序號判斷)
2. 關機,接上 disk B
3. download clonezilla 燒錄到光碟,用光碟開機
4. 選擇 expert mode
5. 選擇 disk to local disk clone
6. source disk 選擇 disk A (注意硬碟序號),target disk 選擇 disk B
7. 勾選 sector by sector 參數
8. 回答三次 Y 開始複製
完成後關機,拔掉 disk A,只留 disk B 開機。
VMware 可以正常開啟,用 VMware vSphere Client 連上後提示找不到 storage。
按新增 storage 後可找回原來安裝的 VM guest。
VM guest 開機 OK,測試成功。
2014年8月14日 星期四
Exchange 2010 installation in Windows 2008
其中的 KB982867 抓下來安裝出現版本不合。
解法:安裝 Windows 2008 SP1 即可。(參考這一篇)
Webmail 設定:
重新導向Exchange 2010 OWA URLs
Web App didn’t initialize Couldn’t find a base theme
The WinRM client received an HTTP status code of 403 from the remote WS-Management service
==> Open IIS and then go to Powershell virtual directory and check that SSL in disabled
Create Mailbox
修改別人連上 SMTP port 時的訊息:
開啟 Exchange Management Shell
執行 Get-ReceiveConnector
BIngings {:::25,} 的 Identity = MAIL01\Default MAIL01
修改 Banner 指令
set-receiveconnector "MAIL01\Default MAIL01" -banner "220 mail01.tht.com"
530 5.7.1 Client was not authenticated
==> Exchange Management Console / Server configuration / Hub Transport / default receive connector / properties / permission Groups / Anonymous users 啟用
550 5.7.1 Unable to relay (Incoming Emails rejected)
==> Exchange Management Console / Organization Configuration / Hub Transport / Accepted Domain / New Accepted Domain
Configure a Relay Connector for Exchange Server 2010
參考 E-mail receive delay in Exchange 2010,disable IPV6 即可。
設定預設的 reply to
Exchange Server 2007/2010: How to Change the Primary Email Domain
Exchange Management Console / Organization Configuration / Hub Transport / Email Address Policies, edit default policy.
將憑證匯入 IIS
IIS manager / 點一下 servername / Server Certificates / Import
IIS manager / 點一下 servername / Sites / Default Web Site / Bindings / https / Edit / 變更 ssl certificates
修正 outlook 開啟後的 warnning message
The name of the security certificate is invalid or does not match the name of the site
The Name on the security certificate is invalid or does not match the name of the site - PART 2
Invalid Fully Qualified Domain Names no longer accepted in Subject Alternative Names (SANS) in SSL certficates
開啟 Exchange Management Shell / 執行以下指令
其中的 KB982867 抓下來安裝出現版本不合。
解法:安裝 Windows 2008 SP1 即可。(參考這一篇)
Webmail 設定:
重新導向Exchange 2010 OWA URLs
Web App didn’t initialize Couldn’t find a base theme
The WinRM client received an HTTP status code of 403 from the remote WS-Management service
==> Open IIS and then go to Powershell virtual directory and check that SSL in disabled
Create Mailbox
修改別人連上 SMTP port 時的訊息:
開啟 Exchange Management Shell
執行 Get-ReceiveConnector
BIngings {:::25,} 的 Identity = MAIL01\Default MAIL01
修改 Banner 指令
set-receiveconnector "MAIL01\Default MAIL01" -banner "220 mail01.tht.com"
530 5.7.1 Client was not authenticated
==> Exchange Management Console / Server configuration / Hub Transport / default receive connector / properties / permission Groups / Anonymous users 啟用
550 5.7.1 Unable to relay (Incoming Emails rejected)
==> Exchange Management Console / Organization Configuration / Hub Transport / Accepted Domain / New Accepted Domain
Configure a Relay Connector for Exchange Server 2010
參考 E-mail receive delay in Exchange 2010,disable IPV6 即可。
設定預設的 reply to
Exchange Server 2007/2010: How to Change the Primary Email Domain
Exchange Management Console / Organization Configuration / Hub Transport / Email Address Policies, edit default policy.
將憑證匯入 IIS
IIS manager / 點一下 servername / Server Certificates / Import
IIS manager / 點一下 servername / Sites / Default Web Site / Bindings / https / Edit / 變更 ssl certificates
修正 outlook 開啟後的 warnning message
The name of the security certificate is invalid or does not match the name of the site
The Name on the security certificate is invalid or does not match the name of the site - PART 2
Invalid Fully Qualified Domain Names no longer accepted in Subject Alternative Names (SANS) in SSL certficates
開啟 Exchange Management Shell / 執行以下指令
- Set-ClientAccessServer -Identity servername -AutodiscoverServiceInternalUri https://mail01.tht.com/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml
- Set-WebServicesVirtualDirectory -Identity "servername\EWS (Default Web Site)" –InternalUrl https://mail01.tht.com/EWS/Exchange.asmx
- Set-OABVirtualDirectory -Identity “servername\OAB (Default Web Site)” -InternalURL https://mail01.tht.com/OAB
- Set-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory -Identity “servername\Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync (Default Web Site)” -InternalURL https://mail01.tht.com/Microsoft-Server-Activesync
Open IIS Manager.
Expand the local computer, and then expand Application Pools.
Right-click MSExchangeAutodiscoverAppPool, and then click Recycle.
預設的編碼字元集 default encoding charector set
Organization Management\Hub Transport\Remote Domain | select a domain -> properties | Message Format tab
允許群組(Distribution Group)收外部信件
Exchange 新增「通訊群組」信箱時預設無法收取外來郵件
Error: Diagnostic-Code: smtp;550 5.7.1 RESOLVER.RST.AuthRequired; authentication required
Recipient Configuration / Distribution Group / select a group -> properties / Mail Flow settings / Message Delivery Restrictions / disable "Require that all senders are authenticated"
啟用收發信件記錄 for debug
Logging SMTP Protocol Activity in Exchange 2013/2010 and Exchange 2007
Receive log: \Exchange Server\V14\TransportRoles\Logs\ProtocolLog\SmtpReceive
Server Configuration | Hub Transport | select the Receive Connector -> Properties | General tab, change the Protcol logging level to Verbose
Send log: \Exchange Server\V14\TransportRoles\Logs\ProtocolLog\SmtpSend
Organization Configuration | Hub Transport | Send Connectors tab | select the Send Connector -> properties | General tab, change the Protocol logging level to verbose
Outlook error message:
error (0x8004010F): 'The operation failed. An object could not be found.'
修改 C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\ClientAccess\OAB\web.config 檔案權限,增加 Autheticated Users group 的 Read and Read & Execute 權限。
Exchange 2010: Cannot download Offline Address Book. 500 - Internal Server Error
How to troubleshoot the Outlook Offline Address Book in an Office 365 environment
預設的編碼字元集 default encoding charector set
Organization Management\Hub Transport\Remote Domain | select a domain -> properties | Message Format tab
允許群組(Distribution Group)收外部信件
Exchange 新增「通訊群組」信箱時預設無法收取外來郵件
Error: Diagnostic-Code: smtp;550 5.7.1 RESOLVER.RST.AuthRequired; authentication required
Recipient Configuration / Distribution Group / select a group -> properties / Mail Flow settings / Message Delivery Restrictions / disable "Require that all senders are authenticated"
啟用收發信件記錄 for debug
Logging SMTP Protocol Activity in Exchange 2013/2010 and Exchange 2007
Receive log: \Exchange Server\V14\TransportRoles\Logs\ProtocolLog\SmtpReceive
Server Configuration | Hub Transport | select the Receive Connector -> Properties | General tab, change the Protcol logging level to Verbose
Send log: \Exchange Server\V14\TransportRoles\Logs\ProtocolLog\SmtpSend
Organization Configuration | Hub Transport | Send Connectors tab | select the Send Connector -> properties | General tab, change the Protocol logging level to verbose
Outlook error message:
error (0x8004010F): 'The operation failed. An object could not be found.'
修改 C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\ClientAccess\OAB\web.config 檔案權限,增加 Autheticated Users group 的 Read and Read & Execute 權限。
Exchange 2010: Cannot download Offline Address Book. 500 - Internal Server Error
How to troubleshoot the Outlook Offline Address Book in an Office 365 environment
2014年8月11日 星期一
2014年8月6日 星期三
"No bootable device" after successful ESXi 5 installation
用 1TB HD 安裝 VMware ESXi 5.1,安裝完成後無法開機。
用 1TB HD 安裝 VMware ESXi 5.1,安裝完成後無法開機。
安裝時按 Shift + O,輸入 formatwithmbr。
2014年8月5日 星期二
2014年8月4日 星期一
Outlook content search reindex
到控制台,切換檢視方式為 "大圖示",開啟 "索引選項"。
選擇 "進階",按 "重建"。
到控制台,切換檢視方式為 "大圖示",開啟 "索引選項"。
選擇 "進階",按 "重建"。
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