在 mail 內容上游標變成一個手的圖示,無法做文字圈選、複製貼上。
1. 開啟一封信件,在最上面那一排點選下拉,選 “More Commands…”。
2. 選 “Commands not in the Ribbon”,將 “Panning Hand” 加上。
3. 可以啟用或停用 "手" 了。
Outlook 2007 – how to disable the Hand cursor
2015年7月30日 星期四
2015年7月29日 星期三
SVN (Subversion) install on Windows 2012 R2
[研究] Win32Svn 1.8.0-1 架設(Windows 2008 R2)
How to Install Apache 2.4 MySQL and PHP on Windows Server 2012 R2
因為 svn for Windows 有好幾個版本,我採用 Win32Svn 因為它比較不像商業版,但它只有 32bit 版本。所以 Apache 也必須用 32bit 版本。
1. download Apache 2.4 Win32. 它需要事先安裝 Visual C++ Redistributable (也是用 x86 版本)
2. download Win32Svn 1.8
3. 解壓縮 Apache 2.4,用 Apache24\bin\httpd.exe -k install 安裝 service。
4. 修改 Apache24\conf\httpd.conf
[研究] Win32Svn 1.8.0-1 架設(Windows 2008 R2)
How to Install Apache 2.4 MySQL and PHP on Windows Server 2012 R2
因為 svn for Windows 有好幾個版本,我採用 Win32Svn 因為它比較不像商業版,但它只有 32bit 版本。所以 Apache 也必須用 32bit 版本。
1. download Apache 2.4 Win32. 它需要事先安裝 Visual C++ Redistributable (也是用 x86 版本)
2. download Win32Svn 1.8
3. 解壓縮 Apache 2.4,用 Apache24\bin\httpd.exe -k install 安裝 service。
4. 修改 Apache24\conf\httpd.conf
- Listen 8080 # 因為 port 80 被 IIS 用掉了
- 將以下這兩行最前面的 # 刪除
- LoadModule dav_module modules/mod_dav.so
- LoadModule dav_fs_module modules/mod_dav_fs.so
- 加入以下兩行(放在 mod_dav.so 之後) (檔案路徑請依 Subversion 實際安裝位置調整)
- LoadModule dav_svn_module "C:\Program Files (x86)\Subversion\bin\mod_dav_svn.so"
- LoadModule authz_svn_module "C:\Program Files (x86)\Subversion\bin\mod_authz_svn.so"
- 在檔案最後面加入
WSUS 4.0 on Windows 2012 R2
Windows Server 2012 筆記(一) WSUS 4.0 安裝設定
我用 Microsoft Report Viewer Redistributable 2012。
它需要先安裝 Microsoft® System CLR Types for Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012
x64 package, x86 package
2015/7/31 update:
開 report 時它說要 Microsoft Report Viewer Redistributable 2008 sp1..... 只好再裝上去。
Windows Server 2012 筆記(一) WSUS 4.0 安裝設定
我用 Microsoft Report Viewer Redistributable 2012。
它需要先安裝 Microsoft® System CLR Types for Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012
x64 package, x86 package
2015/7/31 update:
開 report 時它說要 Microsoft Report Viewer Redistributable 2008 sp1..... 只好再裝上去。
2015年7月28日 星期二
Outlook 2007 sort mail by conversation
在 outlook 2007 中,將同一主題的信件集中起來
1. Add field "Conversation"
2. Right Click on field Conversation. Arrange by Conversation.
Managing Outlook 2007 Email Via Threaded Conversations by Mike Heald
在 outlook 2007 中,將同一主題的信件集中起來
1. Add field "Conversation"
2. Right Click on field Conversation. Arrange by Conversation.
Managing Outlook 2007 Email Via Threaded Conversations by Mike Heald
2015年7月21日 星期二
WSUS client error 800b0001
WSUS server: Windows 2008 R2
Client: Windows 2012 R2
Client 可以用 Microsoft Windows Update,但是用 WSUS update 時會有錯誤訊息 800b0001。
2015年7月15日 星期三
2015年7月9日 星期四
VMware Replicating a virtual machine fails
Error: VR server has no hosts through which to access destination datastore
VMware ESXi 5.1
vCenter (install via OVF Template)
vSphere Replication Appliance (install via OVF Template and use Embedded vSphere Replication Database)
Replicating a virtual machine fails with the error: VR server localhost.localdom has no hosts through which to access destination datastore (2032571)
Connecting to vPostgres Databases
How do I list all databases and tables using psql?
1. login vSphere Replication Appliance with account root (using putty)
2. su - vrmsdb
3. psql
4. \connect vrmsdb
5. Run this query to determine if any hosts are marked as Unsupported:
This query returns a host ID. You can use the vCenter MOB to identify the host using the host ID.
6. Run this query to perform a cleanup:
VMware ESXi 5.1
vCenter (install via OVF Template)
vSphere Replication Appliance (install via OVF Template and use Embedded vSphere Replication Database)
Replicating a virtual machine fails with the error: VR server localhost.localdom has no hosts through which to access destination datastore (2032571)
Connecting to vPostgres Databases
How do I list all databases and tables using psql?
1. login vSphere Replication Appliance with account root (using putty)
2. su - vrmsdb
3. psql
4. \connect vrmsdb
5. Run this query to determine if any hosts are marked as Unsupported:
- To query hosts that are not associated with a VR server:
- To query hosts that are associated with a VR server:
This query returns a host ID. You can use the vCenter MOB to identify the host using the host ID.
6. Run this query to perform a cleanup:
- To clean up Unsupported records for hosts that are not associated with a VR server:
- To change the state of hosts that are tagged as Unsupported and associated with a VR server to ACTIVE:
7. Restart vSphere Replication Appliance at the Recovery site.
8. setup replication configuration for the VM guest again.
Possible Cause:
VMware host upgrade from ESX 4.x to 5.1. (I think)