2015年11月23日 星期一

Microsoft HLK EV code signing certificates

Microsoft HLK 要求 2015/10/31 之後必須有 EV code signing 憑證,舊的憑證檔可以用到2016/5/1。

EV Certs
  • As of October 31, 2015, your Sysdev dashboard account must have at least one EV certificate associated with it to submit binaries for attestation signing or to submit binaries for HLK certification.
  • You can sign with either your EV certificate or your existing standard certificates until May 1, 2016. After May 1, 2016, you need to use an EV certificate to sign the cab file that is submitted.
我申請最便宜的 DigiCert EV code signing Certificates,USD$ 224 / year。
網頁上申請後會接到一通確認電話,然後過幾天收到 USB key,到網頁上啟用就可以了。

Sign Winqual.exe 方法
How to Sign Your Winqual.exe File with the DigiCert Certificate Utility

CentOS auto update configuration

Stopping automatic updates
Enabling automatic updates in Centos 6 and Red Hat 6

CentOS 4.x:
chkconfig yum on
service yum start

CentOS 5.x:
chkconfig yum-updatesd on
service yum-updatesd start

CentOS 6.x:
yum -y install yum-cron
/etc/init.d/yum-cron start
chkconfig yum-cron on

2015年11月18日 星期三

Surface Pro 3 安裝 Windows 10

How to install Windows 10 on Surface Pro 3 via bootable USB drive

保留原本Windows 8.1,安裝Windows 10做多重開機。

1. 清理硬碟空間,至少要15GB才夠裝Windows 10。

  • Right-click on Start Button and select System from the context menu. 
  • Go to the Advanced tab > Performance and then click on Settings.
  • Navigate to the Advanced Tab within Performance Options
  • click on Change under the Virtual Memory section. 
  • Uncheck "Automatically manage paging file size for all drives" and select "No paging file."
  • Click OK to close the Dialog box.
  • 重開機讓設定生效
  • 到 磁碟管理 將 C: 縮小,至少要空出 15GB
2. 製作 Windows 10 USB 開機碟
  • 將 USB 隨身碟格式化為 FAT32
  • 將 Windows 10 ISO 解壓縮到 USB 隨身碟
3. 安裝 Windows 10
  • 將 Surface Pro 3 關機,按住音量 + 鍵不放,開機進入修改開機順序,讓 USB 為第一開機選項
  • 插入 USB 隨身碟,重開機開始安裝
  • Microsoft Surface Pro 網頁下載驅動程式 SurfacePro3_Win8x_151026_0.msi