2017年1月15日 星期日

VMware 升級到 ESXi 5.5 後 guest OS 無法啟動的解法

ESXi 5.1 升級到 5.5,guest OS 無法啟動

Host 'x.x.x.x' is not compatible with the vSphere Replication configuration supported by the virtual machine : the configured RPO is lower than what the host can support.

  • Shut down the virtual machine.
  • ssh to the host where the Virtual machine is located (look at the vm summary tab in the general section)
  • Locate the virtual machine's files in the datastore.
  • Backup the virtual machine's configuration file (.vmx) If your edits break the virtual machine, you can roll back to the original version of the file.
  • Edit the virtual machine's configuration file (.vmx) to comment out the following lines; prefixing them with a '#' character.
hbr_filter.configGen = ""
hbr_filter.rpo = ""
hbr_filter.destination = ""
hbr_filter.port = "0"
hbr_filter.gid = ""
hbr_filter.protocol = ""
hbr_filter.quiesce = "true"
hbr_filter.opp = "true"
hbr_filter.pause = "true"
scsi0:0.hbr_filter.rdid = ""
scsi0:0.hbr_filter.persistent = ""
  • Save the file
  • Run vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms | grep -i <VM Name> to find the vmid. 
  • Then Run vim-cmd vmsvc/reload <vmid found above> to reload the virtual machine into inventory. 
  • See Reloading a vmx file without removing the virtual machine from inventory (1026043) for more details.
  • Power on the virtual machine


2017/01/14 歲修記錄



  • 中華電信 FTTB 不通,幸好隔天早上來處理好了
  • NAS 服務異常,當天跟廠商連絡,停用新增的網卡暫時可用
  • HR server 硬碟故障,用 SSR 備份恢復
  • VPN 無法連線,VMware bug 修改網卡型態可解
  • VM guest 無法開機,修改 .vmx 可解

Windows PPTP server on VMware ESXi5.5

昨天將 VMware ESXi 5.1 升級到 5.5,發現 Windows PPTP server 無法連線,錯誤訊息 619。

幸好查到這篇解法 Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) connections may not work on ESXi 5.5,將 PPTP server 網路卡改為 vmxnet3 即可。

2017年1月6日 星期五

Outlook 2007 增加信箱大小

Increase maximum size pst-files

Outlook 2003/2007 預設信箱檔案 (.ost, .pst)大小是 20GB,Outlook 2010 以上 50GB。
如果要調大必須修改 registry 才能夠超過限制。

For Outlook 2007:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


2017年1月4日 星期三

How to register/add a VM to the Inventory in vCenter Server

How to register/add a VM to the Inventory in vCenter Server

如果需要把 VM 加回 ESXi host 或 vCenter,步驟如下:

  1. Open the vSphere/VMware Infrastructure (VI) Client and log in with appropriate credentials.
  2. If connecting to vCenter Server, click on the desired host.
  3. Click the Configuration tab.
  4. Click Storage.
  5. Right-click on the appropriate datastore and click Browse Datastore.
  6. Navigate to the folder named after the virtual machine, and locate the virtual machine.vmx file.
  7. Right-click the .vmx file and click Add to inventory. The Add to Inventory wizard opens.
  8. Continue to follow the wizard to add the virtual machine.

2017年1月3日 星期二

VMware ESXi 5.1 guest disk 2TB

VMware ESXi 5.1 的 guest OS disk 可以設定為 2TB,但是搭配 vCenter 5.1, Replication 5.1 做 Replication 時會發生錯誤,造成 guest OS 關機無法啟動。
VMware Knowledge base: Cannot power on a virtual machine after enabling vSphere Replication (2057808)
恢復 guest OS 的方法:VMware Module DevicePowerOn power on failed Unable to create virtual SCSI device for scsi0:1

Try 1: 把 vCenter, Replication 升級到 5.5、ESXi 在 5.1,錯誤狀況相同
Try 2: 把 vCenter, Replication 升級到 6.0、ESXi 在 5.1,錯誤狀況相同
Try 3: 把這個 guest OS 做 clone,錯誤訊息為超過檔案大小
Try 4: 把 vCenter, Replication 升級到 6.0、ESXi 升級到 5.5,Replication 可以正常運做了

ESXi 5.1 的 guest OS disk 設定為 2TB 可以使用,但是 Replication 和 clone 時會發生錯誤,必須升級到 5.5 才會正常。