2018年5月28日 星期一
2018年5月25日 星期五
USB printer Unknown Device
有一台 USB printer 原本正常,突然變成未知的裝置。
換插到另一個 USB port 可以正常使用,但插回去原本那個 USB port 就是不行。
查一些文章說,USB driver 會裝到每一個 port,driver 壞了會這樣。
換插到另一個 USB port 可以正常使用,但插回去原本那個 USB port 就是不行。
查一些文章說,USB driver 會裝到每一個 port,driver 壞了會這樣。
2018年5月23日 星期三
VMware VDP status read only
Backup Cannot be performed while VDP Server is in Admin state
在 vCenter 管理網頁中看到 VDP 狀態變成 read only
1. 用 putty 進入 VDP console
2. 執行 dpnctl status 確認 gsan 狀態是 degraded
3. 執行 dpnctl start gsan
4. 執行 sync;sync;reboot (會等很久,重新開機後狀態就恢復為 normal)
Backup Cannot be performed while VDP Server is in Admin state
在 vCenter 管理網頁中看到 VDP 狀態變成 read only
1. 用 putty 進入 VDP console
2. 執行 dpnctl status 確認 gsan 狀態是 degraded
3. 執行 dpnctl start gsan
4. 執行 sync;sync;reboot (會等很久,重新開機後狀態就恢復為 normal)
2018年5月16日 星期三
2018年5月11日 星期五
2018年5月10日 星期四
2018年5月4日 星期五
VBA to get web asp table
Fetch data from website table using vba
Private Sub finance_data()
Dim url As String, lastRow As Long
Dim XMLHTTP As Object, html As Object
Dim tbl As Object, obj_tbl As Object
Dim TR As Object, TD As Object
Dim row As Long, col As Long
lastRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).row
url = "http://www.taifex.com.tw/chinese/9/9_7_1.asp"
Set XMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
XMLHTTP.Open "GET", url, False
XMLHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
Set html = CreateObject("htmlfile")
html.body.innerHTML = XMLHTTP.ResponseText
Set obj_tbl = html.getelementsbytagname("table")
row = 1
col = 1
For Each tbl In obj_tbl
If tbl.classname = "table_c" Then
Set TR = tbl.getelementsbytagname("TR")
For Each obj_row In TR
For Each TD In obj_row.getelementsbytagname("TD")
Cells(row, col) = TD.innerText
col = col + 1
col = 1 ' reseting the value
row = row + 1
End If
Fetch data from website table using vba
Private Sub finance_data()
Dim url As String, lastRow As Long
Dim XMLHTTP As Object, html As Object
Dim tbl As Object, obj_tbl As Object
Dim TR As Object, TD As Object
Dim row As Long, col As Long
lastRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).row
url = "http://www.taifex.com.tw/chinese/9/9_7_1.asp"
Set XMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
XMLHTTP.Open "GET", url, False
XMLHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
Set html = CreateObject("htmlfile")
html.body.innerHTML = XMLHTTP.ResponseText
Set obj_tbl = html.getelementsbytagname("table")
row = 1
col = 1
For Each tbl In obj_tbl
If tbl.classname = "table_c" Then
Set TR = tbl.getelementsbytagname("TR")
For Each obj_row In TR
For Each TD In obj_row.getelementsbytagname("TD")
Cells(row, col) = TD.innerText
col = col + 1
col = 1 ' reseting the value
row = row + 1
End If
2018年5月2日 星期三
WSUS reduce disk space
How To Clean Up WSUS
我的 WSUS server C:\ 被塞滿了,檢查發現 WsusContent 目錄有 120GB。
先用 WSUS 的 Server Cleanup Wizard,跑完後完全沒有縮小!
找到上面那一篇的方法重抓 WSUS 資料後只用了 17GB。
1. 將 Automatic Approvals 停掉
2. 刪除 C:\WSUS\WsusContent 目錄下所有的檔案
3. 執行下面這一段 batch file,重設 WSUS database
net stop wsusservice
cd "C:\Program Files\Update Services\Tools"
wsusutil.exe reset
echo Delete WSUS Folder Content
net start wsusservice
4. 在 WSUS 執行 Synchrozine Now
5. Open PowerShell ISE as Administrator and run the script
#Change server name and port number and $True if it is on SSL
$Computer = $env:COMPUTERNAME
$Domain = $env:USERDNSDOMAIN
$FQDN = "$Computer" + "." + "$Domain"
[String]$updateServer1 = $FQDN
[Boolean]$useSecureConnection = $False
[Int32]$portNumber = 8530
# Load .NET assembly
$count = 0
# Connect to WSUS Server
$updateServer = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.AdminProxy]::getUpdateServer($updateServer1,$useSecureConnection,$portNumber)
write-host "<<<Connected sucessfully >>>" -foregroundcolor "yellow"
$updatescope = New-Object Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.UpdateScope
$u=$updateServer.GetUpdates($updatescope )
foreach ($u1 in $u )
if ($u1.IsSuperseded -eq 'True')
write-host Decline Update : $u1.Title
$count=$count + 1
write-host Total Declined Updates: $count
write-host "Error Occurred"
write-host "Exception Message: "
write-host $_.Exception.Message
write-host $_.Exception.StackTrace
How To Clean Up WSUS
我的 WSUS server C:\ 被塞滿了,檢查發現 WsusContent 目錄有 120GB。
先用 WSUS 的 Server Cleanup Wizard,跑完後完全沒有縮小!
找到上面那一篇的方法重抓 WSUS 資料後只用了 17GB。
1. 將 Automatic Approvals 停掉
2. 刪除 C:\WSUS\WsusContent 目錄下所有的檔案
3. 執行下面這一段 batch file,重設 WSUS database
net stop wsusservice
cd "C:\Program Files\Update Services\Tools"
wsusutil.exe reset
echo Delete WSUS Folder Content
net start wsusservice
4. 在 WSUS 執行 Synchrozine Now
5. Open PowerShell ISE as Administrator and run the script
#Change server name and port number and $True if it is on SSL
$Computer = $env:COMPUTERNAME
$Domain = $env:USERDNSDOMAIN
$FQDN = "$Computer" + "." + "$Domain"
[String]$updateServer1 = $FQDN
[Boolean]$useSecureConnection = $False
[Int32]$portNumber = 8530
# Load .NET assembly
$count = 0
# Connect to WSUS Server
$updateServer = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.AdminProxy]::getUpdateServer($updateServer1,$useSecureConnection,$portNumber)
write-host "<<<Connected sucessfully >>>" -foregroundcolor "yellow"
$updatescope = New-Object Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.UpdateScope
$u=$updateServer.GetUpdates($updatescope )
foreach ($u1 in $u )
if ($u1.IsSuperseded -eq 'True')
write-host Decline Update : $u1.Title
$count=$count + 1
write-host Total Declined Updates: $count
write-host "Error Occurred"
write-host "Exception Message: "
write-host $_.Exception.Message
write-host $_.Exception.StackTrace