V-79-57344-33935 - Exchange GRT restore fails with 0xe000848f - insufficient disk space
1. 將 Restore 暫存目錄改到較大的硬碟
2. 建立一個 "新的" Restore Job。這個步驟很重要,如果延用上次失敗的 Restore Job,它還是會用原本的暫存目錄。
如果還是無效,可以嘗試以下這些方法。以下這些我都有做,因為我沒有新建 Restore Job,結果一直失敗.....
V-79-57344-904 - Exchange GRT restore from tape fails with the error 0xe0000388 - Unable to connect to EWS with specified credentials
MS Exchange restoration failed
Restore job failed - Final error: 0xe0000388
Microsoft Exchange Server MAPI Client and Collaboration Data Objects 1.2.1