2018年3月26日 星期一

IBM TS3100 Tape library error message (磁帶櫃錯誤訊息)

Left Magazines incompatible

把 Left Magazine 拿出來換磁帶後,磁帶櫃一直重複 Scanning, Move, Unlock I/O,並出現上圖的訊息。

1. 在備份軟體執行 Scan 更新換過的磁帶 Slot 資訊
2. 找出是哪一個 Slot 抓不到資訊,必須把那一塊磁帶取出
3. 磁帶櫃在 Scanning, Move, Unlock I/O 循環會有一個空檔,在空檔時 unlock Left Magazine,將那一塊磁帶取出
4. 放回 Left Magazine 後,磁帶櫃自己做完 Scanning 會恢復正常
5. unlock I/O Station、放入磁帶,用備份軟體執行 import media

Incompatible Magazine Error on PowerVault TL2000 / 4000 Tape Library Devices

2018年3月25日 星期日

2018/3/25 「Running Land」玩轉大地 峨眉鄉環湖路跑

早上出門時溫度大約 17 度,起跑前等待時有點冷,跑到後半段出太陽就變熱了。
今天跑 21K,中間有一段上坡好長啊,跑到想罵髒話~~~~
(查看 GoLife 運動手表的 GPS 記錄,這段上坡有一公里)


主辦單位: 博聯行銷有限公司
活動地點: 新竹縣峨眉鄉峨眉國中(新竹縣峨眉鄉峨眉街54號)

2018年3月15日 星期四


[閒聊] 遲到小廚娘~無腦微波一分鐘水波蛋


2018/3/14 理髮


2018年3月1日 星期四

Dell Disk Array MD3200 RAID Battery replacement

RAID Battery replacement on MD3200 Disc Shelves

Since only have a single raid controller in MD3200 here is what to do to replace the battery.
  1. Power off any host that is attached to your MD3200.
  2. Once the host is powered off then wait about 3-5 minutes for all of the data that is stored in the cache of your MD3200 to be written to disk, then power off your MD3200.
  3. Once the MD3200 is powered off then pull the raid controller out the back of the system & replace the battery.
  4. Once the battery has been replaced then insert the raid controller back into the MD3200 & power on the MD3200.
  5. Wait about 5 minutes for the MD3200 to boot up & come to a ready state.
  6. Once the MD3200 has booted up & is at a ready state then power on all host that are attached to your MD3200.