VMware ESXi 5.1
vCenter (install via OVF Template)
vSphere Replication Appliance (install via OVF Template and use Embedded vSphere Replication Database)
Replicating a virtual machine fails with the error: VR server localhost.localdom has no hosts through which to access destination datastore (2032571)
Connecting to vPostgres Databases
How do I list all databases and tables using psql?
1. login vSphere Replication Appliance with account root (using putty)
2. su - vrmsdb
3. psql
4. \connect vrmsdb
5. Run this query to determine if any hosts are marked as Unsupported:
- To query hosts that are not associated with a VR server:
- To query hosts that are associated with a VR server:
This query returns a host ID. You can use the vCenter MOB to identify the host using the host ID.
6. Run this query to perform a cleanup:
- To clean up Unsupported records for hosts that are not associated with a VR server:
- To change the state of hosts that are tagged as Unsupported and associated with a VR server to ACTIVE:
7. Restart vSphere Replication Appliance at the Recovery site.
8. setup replication configuration for the VM guest again.
Possible Cause:
VMware host upgrade from ESX 4.x to 5.1. (I think)