2020年11月3日 星期二

Solaris Hostid 設定


How to Change the Hostid In Solaris

Step 1: Convert Hostid 850168ae<hexdecimal format> to Decimal format <2231462062>


sample convert 850168ae<hexdecimal format> to 2231462062 <Decimal format >

Step 2: Convert Decimal format <2231462062> to Hex Value format <32 32 33 31 34 36 32 30 36 32>


sample convert 2231462062<Decimal format> to 32 32 33 31 34 36 32 30 36 32 <Hex Value format>

Step 3: backup S20sysetup with #cp /etc/rc2.d/S20sysetup to /etc/rc2.d/S20sysetup.old

Step 4: Change the /etc/rc2.d/S20sysetup file & save


echo "hw_serial/v 32 32 33 31 34 36 32 30 36 32 00 00" | mdb -kw

Step 5: Run #sh S20sysetup or ./S20sysetup or reboot Machine

