2019年12月20日 星期五

SGD 5.4 on CentOS 6.10

install SGD 5.4

1. install CentOS 6.10
select "Software Development Workstation"
with fix IP, auto connect
setup NTP server

2. create group and account
# groupadd ttaserv
# useradd -g ttaserv -s /bin/sh -d /home/ttasys -m ttasys
# useradd -g ttaserv -s /bin/sh -d /home/ttaserv -m ttaserv
# passwd -l ttasys
# passwd -l ttaserv

Test account
# su ttasys -c "/usr/bin/id -a"
# su ttaserv -c "/usr/bin/id -a"

3. setup DNS record ex: sgd01.domain.com

4. install SGD (要開 Internet 權限)
yum install --nogpgcheck ./tta-5.40-901.x86_64.rpm

5. Start the SGD server
# /opt/tarantella/bin/tarantella start

6. 關閉 linux firewall
chkconfig iptables off
service iptables stop

7. 登入網頁,選擇管理員畫面
選擇 Launch the Oracle Secure Global Desktop Administration Console (不是login,也不是My Desktop)
User: root
Pass: 和linux密碼相同

8. Global Settings
Password Cache: 取消
System Password Cache Level: Never Cache
Change Secure Global Desktop Authentication (設定 AD 認證)
勾選 LDAP / Active Directory
選 LDAP / URLs: ldap://dc01.domain.com / User Name: administrator / Password: xxxx (密碼不要有特殊字元)

9. 修改 default client mode to HTML5 (需要restart service) (Administration Guide 6.1.7)
vi /opt/tarantella/webserver/tomcat/7.0.82/webapps/sgd/WEB-INF/web.xml

10. 設定 application server
New / Application Server / Create

11. 設定 application
選擇預設範本 (Windows Desktop, Unix Desktop, gnome terminal) / Duplicate
修改 Hosting Application Servers, Assigned User Profiles (Ex: mail is account@domain.com)

2020/2/21 update:
設定 Firewall Traversal (Firewall Forwarding) 的方法,但不支援HTML5 client。

